Dirty slippers? See how to clean them.

Although often overlooked, your slippers may spend more time on your feet than any other shoe you own. Wearing slippers indoors is beneficial because they protect your feet from injury and from communicable diseases (think athlete's foot), they keep you stable on your feet, and they keep you warm. But all that use means they require regular cleaning-probably more often than you're currently cleaning them.

The right way to clean slippers will depend on the materials they are made of. Fabric, suede and leather require different techniques, which can be further complicated by structural elements such as arch supports or sole pads. But whether you wash fabric slippers in a washing machine using a hot regular cycle or hand-clean thin leather slippers with saddle soap, you'll be eager to clean them more often once you learn these easy, simple methods.

How often to wash the slippers

In general, it's a good idea to clean your slippers once a month, but you may find it beneficial to clean them more often. How often slippers should be cleaned depends on a number of factors:

  • Do you wear slippers outdoors?
  • Do you wear socks with your slippers?
  • Are you dealing with infections or do your feet smell?

Each type of slipper should be cleaned as soon as odours or heavy soil appear.

What you'll need

Equipment / Tools

  • Washing machine or large sink
  • Brush suede
  • Κενό
  • Soft cloth
  • Clothes drying rack


  • Heavy duty laundry detergent
  • Suede cleaner
  • corn starch
  • Soap for saddle
  • Leather conditioner
  • Baking soda
  • Wool wash or mild detergent
  • Baby wipes


How to clean cotton and synthetic fabric slippers

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Cotton slides and slippers made of polyester fabrics, even those lined with faux fur, can be machine or hand washed to refresh and deodorize.

DetergentNormal, heavy duty
Water TemperatureWarm - 30 degrees
Type of cycleNormal - without wringing
Type of drying cycleAir dry only; do not machine dry
Special treatmentsHand washing, stain pretreatment
How often to washevery month (or more often if necessary)
  1. Wipe the soles
    If the slippers have been worn outside, wipe the soles with a damp cloth or baby wipes (infused with mild soap) to remove any mud or grit. 
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  2. Stain pretreatment
    If the slippers have food stains or very dirty areas such as inner soles, use a cloth soaked in a heavy-duty detergent containing enzymes (such as Tide or Persil) to pre-treat and break down stains. Apply the detergent to the stained area with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush. Leave the detergent on for at least 15 minutes before washing.
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  3. Machine washable cloth slippers.
    If you are washing cloth slippers in the washing machine, add them to a special wash rack or use a pillowcase. This prevents the slippers from hitting the walls of the washing machine and getting damaged. Wash in warm water with your regular detergent at 30 degrees without wringing.
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  4. Slippers made of fabric for hand washing
    Cloth slippers can also be hand washed in the sink in warm water with about a teaspoon of heavy-duty detergent. Add the slippers to the soapy water and let them soak for at least 30 minutes to lift the soil. Gently squeeze the solution through the slippers and then drain the soapy water.Fill the sink with fresh water and rinse the slippers until no more soap bubbles appear. Gently squeeze out the excess water. Wrap the slippers in a thick towel to absorb the water.
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  5. Drying the slippers.
    Whether machine or hand washed, all slippers should be allowed to air dry. Reassemble the slippers and place them in a well-ventilated area to dry. If you are concerned about them holding their shape, lightly stuff the slippers with kitchen paper or white paper. Do not use newspaper because it can leave ink stains on your slippers. Change the paper often as the slippers dry.
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Never place slippers in an automatic dryer. The high heat can cause deformation of the soles and dissolve any glues used in the construction.

How to clean suede slippers

Suede slippers are made of leather and must be spot cleaned to maintain the finish. Work diligently on the inside of the slippers because when they get wet, bacteria starts to grow, which is why your slippers have that lingering smell. 

CleanerBaking soda, mild soap, corn starch
Special treatmentClean the soles, top and inside separately
How often should they be cleaned?Monthly (or more often if necessary)
  1. Remove the dirt
    Use a suede brush or a soft cloth to remove the soil from the surface of the suede.
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  2. Clean the stains
    Treat grease stains by sprinkling them with cornstarch to absorb the grease. This is most effective if done as soon as stains appear. Let the cornstarch sit on the stains for several hours and then remove it. Repeat until no more grease is absorbed.Use a commercially available suede cleaner to treat heavy soil and stains by following the product's instructions.
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  3. Clean the inside of suede slippers
    Most suede slippers have an interior with a linen lining. To clean and freshen the lining, sprinkle with a heavy layer of baking soda. Use the suede brush to work it into the lining and let it sit for several hours. Remove the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner. If the lining is very dirty, mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water and 1 teaspoon of wool detergent or mild detergent. Dip a soft cloth into the solution and wring it out until it is damp. Gently rub the inside of the slippers until the most visible soil is removed and rinse the cloth frequently. Finish by rinsing the cloth with clean water and wiping the inside of the slippers to remove any soap residue. Allow the slippers to air dry for several hours. You can also use a blow dryer on a low setting to dry the interior; use your fingers to work the fur to make it fluffy again.
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How to clean leather slippers

Leather slippers should not be machine washed, but can be cleaned by hand. Careful care of the leather will keep your slippers in good shape for many years.

CleanerSoap for leather
Special treatmentFinish with leather conditioner
How oftenMonthly or when necessary
  1. Remove the dirt
    Wipe the leather slippers with a slightly damp cloth or baby wipes (squeeze them a little to remove excess moisture) to remove loose soil.
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  2. Cleaning with Soap for leather
    Mix a solution of hot water and castile or leather soap, following the product instructions. Dip a soft cloth into the solution and wring until slightly damp. Working in sections, gently wipe down the exterior and leather interior of the slippers. If the insides are lined, clean them separately as described above after the outer leather has been cleaned and softened.
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  3. Rub with a cloth
    When the skin is cleaned, wait five minutes and then rub it lightly with a soft cloth.
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  4. Apply conditioner for leather
    To keep the skin soft and supple, apply a commercial skin conditioner following the product instructions. Finish with a gloss for shine.
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  5. Drying
    Let them dry for several hours before wearing them. 
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Slippers's Storage

You may have different slippers for warm weather and cold winter. This means that the slippers may need to be stored for a large part of the year. Before you leave them for the season, clean your slippers thoroughly and make sure they are completely dry. 

Then stuff paper towels into the slippers to keep their shape and store them in their original box or in plastic cases. Store them side by side rather than on top of each other, as this will help them retain their shape.

Never store leather slippers in sealed plastic bags, as they need to breathe during the months they are in storage.

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